Wantagh/Seaford Homeowners Association


"Our charter is to preserve the quality of life in our community"

Our Objectives:

WSHA strives to preserve the quality of life in our community and we invite all residents to get involved. Join us at an upcoming meeting to see first-hand how to get involved.

If you would like to stay informed of WSHA news and upcoming meetings, please click the Contact Us button below.

Contact Us

Protect and enhance the suburban landscape of our communities against over-development and urban encroachment

Promote and encourage residents to join together to foster projects that preserve both open space and the historical/traditional scheme of structures and facilities within the communities

Oppose zoning or projects that create visual pollution or otherwise endanger the environmental well-being or health, safety or welfare of the residents of Wantagh and Seaford

Foster activities and programs that raise public awareness of community events, concerns or problems of any nature

Formulate policies and strategies to ensure that the public sector, including all governments and each of their subdivisions, is responsive to the retention of the suburban ideal.


When you join WSHA, you help make the Wantagh/Seaford Community better!


WSHA Neighborhood Watch Program

“If you see something, say something” that is the fundamental principal behind the Wantagh-Seaford Homeowners’ Association Neighborhood Watch program. Working in conjunction with Nassau County Police, the goal of the program is to reduce and ultimately prevent burglaries, larcenies and other crimes in our community.

Under the WSHA Neighborhood Watch Program, we become the “eyes and ears” of the police. The director/coordinator is the primary contact with the precinct. Block captains, typically one for every 10 houses are assigned, and the most integral part, the individual members and residents who report suspicious activity.

Neighborhood Watch Programs do not intervene in police work; they help the police and are an effective and low-cost method to prevent crimes. The key is have people like you get involved and stay involved.

So please take the next step and sign-up now by clicking the Contact Us button below.

Contact Us

Safety & Crime Prevention Tips:

  • Get to know your neighbors on all sides of your home.
  • Take notice of unusual events and call 911.
  • Never be afraid to call 911 because you don't want to bother police when you're not sure about suspicious activity. The police prioritize all calls and respond accordingly.
  • In your car, keep valuables out of plain view.
  • Lock valuables in the trunk before arriving at your destination.
  • Don’t leave your pocketbook on the front seat when you drive; put it on the floor of the car.
  • Be cautious of persons posing as “meter readers”, “utility workers” or “new neighbors” due to distraction burglaries, where residents (often seniors) are distracted in conversation while accomplices enter and burglarize their homes.
  • Be wary of so-called “Western Union scams” where a caller poses as a grandchild who has been arrested and needs bail money.
  • Lock your cars at all times.
  • Always keep the house locked while mowing the lawn or doing outside work.
  • To prevent thefts of tires and rims, install locking lug nuts.

2024 Officers

Ella Stevens-Yorek

Ella Stevens-Yorek

Donna Hartofilis

Donna Hartofilis

Wantagh Vice President
Joe Patino

Joe Patino

Seaford Vice President
Kurt Faraczeck

Kurt Faraczeck

Karen Cass

Karen Cass

Corresponding Secretary
Shaun Kehoe

Shaun Kehoe

Recording Secretary
Fred Parola

Fred Parola

Wantagh Trustee
Chris Schneider

Chris Schneider

Seaford Trustee
Susie Trenkle Pokalsky

Susie Trenkle Pokalsky

Seaford Trustee

Useful Info

Phone Numbers (all are 516 area code)

Animal Control 785-5220
Cedar Creek 571-7364
Nassau Emergency Mgmt 573-0636
Seaford Herald 569-4000
Seaford Website 409-9000
Wantagh Chamber 679-0100
Wantagh Herald 569-4000
WSHA 409-1645
Wantagh Website 409-9000


Reach out to us if you would like to learn more about WSHA, get involved or attend an upcoming meeting. Thanks for your interest!

Our Address

2415 Bayview Ave | Wantagh, LI

Email Us


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Fax Us


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